1. Purpose
i. Monitor the performance of the partnership and seek assurance that Orbis is acting according to its mission and business plan and has the resources to do so, including oversight of the external contract performance of Orbis Services.
ii. Provide constructive challenge to ensure Orbis remains fit for the future.
The board will provide an opportunity for members of the partner authorities to have oversight of the performance of the partnership which would otherwise need to be considered separately through sovereign policy committees or cabinet member meetings. This would be both administratively burdensome but would also mean there would be no opportunity for members to come together and jointly discuss and consider the effectiveness of the partnership. Formal decisions will still be required to go through sovereign processes.
2. Areas of focus
i) Monitoring performance compared to the business plan
ii) Providing oversight of services provided by Orbis under external contract.
iii) Reviewing the effectiveness of the Orbis Partnership.
3. Reporting
The Orbis Partnership Oversight Board will report to the suitable Committee at each sovereign partner organisation as appropriate and with recommendations as necessary.
4. Membership
Each Partner Council shall appoint two Members to the Board in accordance with the governance arrangements of each Council.
The chair of the meeting shall be the member of the Council which is hosting the meeting virtually or physically.
5. Quorum
The quorum for any meeting of the Board will be three members, provided that one member is in attendance from each Council.
6. Meetings and ways of working
The board will meet at least once per year. The board may hold additional meetings as it determines necessary.
Meetings may be held virtually or face-to-face. The virtual (or physical) location will be chaired/hosted on an alternate basis.
7. Review
These terms of reference may be reviewed and amended by sovereign organisations from time to time, subject to the agreement of all partners.